I'm generating some shapes based on rows in a table. Generating shapes based on table rows.
However I'm having issues associating the child shapes to the elements. I use this https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Basic_Functionality/Visio/generating_shapes/Generating_shapes_based_on_table_rows.html#displaying-information-from-the-data-table-instead-of-the-linked-element guide.
Table is as follow:
I use the following (sub)shapes for the Instance.
I tried different options, also with wildcards, * or **, but there will no info displayed. Looks that there is no reference between the main shape and subshape.
Any help is appreciated.
Hi Pascal,
At first sight, the configuration of your shapes looks correct. Please make sure that the shape with shape data "Element **" is within the group with the shape data "Element *".
There is also a part of the Visual Overview training course explaining this in more detail: Combining data with linked elements.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.

If I understand the use case correctly, being generating one shape per table row, I think you might be overthinking it.
There is no need for multiple subshapes.
An example of this can be seen on our live demo system, view "Visual Overview Design Examples", Visual page "Children//Table Rows".
I have to admit the documentation on the part you linked in the docs could be a bit better. I'll see if I can improve it a bit.

Thanks Toon,
You mean with live system the Ziine system? If I there download the visio, than the visio page ” Children//Table rows” is showing only 1 example instead of all.

I’m not sure with “only 1 example”? There is indeed only one children shape on there.
Based on the answer of Toon, I think hi is right. Maybe I overthink it.
So I looked further, and I hope that children shape is the solution.
I watched the follow course " Generate shapes based on table rows" , and this is more what we want. Only I get stuck on the following.
Not sure what to fill in on ChildrenSource: As the visio is linked to a protocol.
I know how to find the ID of the table. Only I cannot get the correct source linked.

Try using [this element] i.o. “Element”
Thanks Michiel,
Yes the “Element **” is in the group of “Element*”
I will follow the course you suggest, and come back with outcome.