I was implementing an SLNet GetAlarmDetail message in an Enhanced Service Connector and I noticed that when the alarm is of a Severity different from "Normal", I am able to get a response. However, when the Severity is "Normal" (clearing the alarm), the response is empty.
Previously on DMA version I was able to use this call, but in that's not the case.
Is this expected? Any suggestions on another call to retrieve this "clearing" alarm?
Thank you
Hi João,
I just tried this on my local DMA and the behavior I'm seeing is as follows:
- GetAlarmDetailsMessage works if you're using the Alarm ID of the cleared alarm AND the alarm is still cached in SLNet (so DataMiner hasn't restarted).
- GetAlarmDetailsMessage works if you're using the Root Alarm ID
- When I restart my DMA and send the same request again (so the alarms are no longer in the cache) I get a NullReferenceException (both for Root Alarm ID and the Cleared Alarm ID). This looks like a software issue.
As for a workaround for this, using the GetAlarmTreeDetailsMessage works for me.
Hi João,
Instead of using the GetAlarmDetailsMessage, you could try to use the GetAlarmTreeDetailsMessage or the GetAlarmsFromDbMessage (where additional filtering is possible).
Hello Jens,
Thanks for the suggestions!
That is the case I am dealing with – the DMA hasn’t been restarted when I am doing this call and I’m using the Root Alarm ID.
I will try to use the GetAlarmTreeDetailsMessage.
Thank you!