Currently, when accessing an element and navigating to 'Properties' > 'General Tab,' we can easily view the 'Created Date' and the creator's information. However, this functionality seems to be absent from Services or Views.
My query is whether there is a way to incorporate the 'Created Date' and 'Created by' information within the 'Properties' of Services and Views.
Hi Kawsar,
I have to correct my previous statement, it seems a new feature is already available, where dataminer will give you the expected properties on the services.
I'm tracking down the linked release note.

Great to read Kawssar!
For completeness, the feature was introduced in DataMiner version (10.2.6).
I’ve linked the release note below:
I was looking for it in the old DataMiner version 9.6.12 which is why it is not there, however, I found it in the new version. Thanks again