I have a visual for a service that has lots of show hides that link to the "main" element and I also need to use the same visual but have it all linked to the "backup" element. Does anyone know if its possible to globally change shape data using something like find and replace rather than going into each shape and manually changing the text.

If you are looking for an "easy" way to do this, then no, currently there is no way. However, there is a way to do this. Try this at your own risk though:
- Make a copy and rename your .vsdx to a .zip and unzip your Visio file.
- Open the xml's in visio > pages and do a find and replace.
- Zip the entire thing again and rename to .vsdx
- Try it out and hope you didn't break it.
Something you can do to limit the amount of situations where you have a problem with this, is to use the InitVar or Execute (with ExecuteSetsOnInit) shape data to set a variable upon opening. Then reuse the variable throughout your Visio file. If you now need to change the element/view/whatever, you can just change the one in the init and be done with it.
There is also a tool floating around still internally to do a "replace all" in Visio files. I'll notify the Product Owner of the domain that I think should follow this up, so that person is aware of this question and can take action if necessary.
In any case, also feel free to make a feature suggestion here on Dojo for such a tool or an extension somewhere in one of our products (Cube, Visio extension, separate tool or otherwise)
Interesting one – subscribing – wondering if this might require a bespoke Visio Add-on