We use Telestream IQ software, especially Sentry for its TS analysis power. I see that there is no specific driver in the DataMiner catalog for it. There is only Telestream Optic and I am not sure what that is. Would it be fine to integrate closely with this Telestream software module because we want to keep our design concept where DataMiner is the central tool for monitoring?
I don’t want operators to have to look at two different monitoring interfaces, I want it all to be within DataMiner.
I'm not entirely up to date on all the products from Telestream. But Sentry is indeed a product that was originally from Tektronix, and there is a "Tektronix Sentry" driver available, which is quite comprehensive. If I'm not mistaken, this interfaces directly with the Sentry probes to source its data.

Thanks for swift reply. I will come back in case of more questions.