We have a generic low code app that we would like to share with the DataMiner community.
I have the low code app on my local DMA, what do I need to do, to get it on the catalog?
Do I export it using Low Code App Editor and place it in a github repository?
Does the "Upload" stage actually deploy it automatically on the catalog?
The deploy action mentions it only works for creating automation script artifacts. Since the low code app editor allows me to export to a package, can I use this package directly as an artifact?

Hi Tim,
As Rene suggests, the current way to publish a Low-Code App on the catalog is through an application package (and more specifically through companion files). An app is a folder of files representing general config, pages and panels. Hence we can treat this as files.
To my knowledge the creation of this package still happens manually, although we're busy making all the necessary changes to push this towards CI/CD.
Hi Tim,
As far as I know the only way to get LCAs in the catalog at the moment is via an application package.