Hi all,
What would be the best way to inform the user a couple of parameters are not writable in a certain device state. This state is indicated by a state parameter in the connector. My first idea was to hide the write parameters, but I think that's not possible. Some other ideas:
- Add a fixed parameter under those write parameters with a message explaining this behaviour.
- Display an information message saying it is not possible to perform a set when the user tries to set a value.
- Don't show anything, the value won't be updated anyway.
- Other suggestions
Thanks in advance!
It's been a long time, but isn't there something like parameter dependencies, which allow you to maybe trigger a pop-up upon a write-attempt to show the dependency?

The dependencies tag can only be used to check whether other parameters are set (e.g. none of the parameters is “Not Initialized”). In theory this functionality could prevent the user from setting the parameter, but I find the pop-up message “Parameter ‘X’ requires that the following parameters are set first: …” a bit misleading, because no parameter needs to be set by the user, it just depends on the device state.
The option attribute “custom=disableWrite:pid=value” can only be used on table parameters: “With this option you can make a column read-only based on a value of a different column in the same table.”
We need an option for standalone parameters.
Besides the dependencies, you could also use the option attribute on the protocol.params.param.measurement.type tag, where you can define a condition to disable a write parameter based on the value of a different parameter.