How can we configure that a user can only access low-code app(s) and disable Cube access?
We noticed that we have to enable the following permissions to make the low-code app work, but it looks like this still provides access to Cube:
- General => DataMiner web apps
- Modules => Automation => UI Available
- Modules => Automation => Execute

Under Apps, you can see all the Web Apps. Under Modules, you can see Automation, Catalog (link), Cloud Admin (link) and System Center. Under General, you can see Help, Settings and About.
Mostly links and information about the system and all the automation scripts.
For Automation, ideally , you don't need the 'UI Available' permission flag.
We have a task in our backlog to follow up on that.
Hi Emmanuel,
I also had to enable “UI available” for automation as I run automatically script when I open a panel in my Low code app. Without this permission, I had an issue reported.

Yes, today you need to enable that permission flag. However ,this does not make much sense. Therefore we have a task in our backlog to try to get rid of it.
Out of curiosity, what can you still do in Cube with just those rights and no others (like the surveyor)?