ElasticSearch is configured in DB.xml and active according to that file. It's a remote DB server.
But in the System Center the toggle button to Enable indexing on alarms is not visible. It shows Install Indexing Engine instead. Is that normal?
How to check if the Indexing of alarms is working?

As this question has been inactive for a long time, we will now close it. If you want further assistance, feel free to post a new question or contact techsupport@skyline.be.
Best thing you can do is check SLSearch log file, if no exception is present, it should start with something along the lines of:
"2022/05/12 13:03:15.434|SLLog|ApplyLogLevels|CRU|-1|Log Levels: Info: 6; Error: 6; Debug: 6 (from LogSettings.xml)
2022/05/12 13:03:15.435|SLDBConnection|SLSearch|INF|0|1|Connecting with:
2022/05/12 13:03:16.574|SLDBConnection|SLSearch|INF|0|1|Creating index for: alarms"
Besides that, it's important that the time of logging is from the same DMA startup, and not from a previous DMA start. Usually, this indicates whether Elastic is working or not.

For alarms, you can check the Skyline DataminerIndexing.xml file, if it’s set to full. After that, you can generate an alarm and basically navigate in your favorite browser to: IP:9200/dms-alarms*/_search and check if it mentions the alarms. (“hits”:{“total”:13 ) will indicate how many alarms there are in your database.
Do you mean C:/Skyline Datminer/Database/Indexing.xml?

Yes, apparently my backslashes got removed

Is this configuration you mentioned?
Does this mean the indexing is turned off?
How do we enable it?
IndexType: Alarm
TTLInDays: 364
IndexLevel: Off

You could change it to Full by typing it and restarting the DMA, I believe this would be the quickest way. There’s also an SLNet message that could be send but it might take quite some more time since it would require setting up an automation script
Please beware your Cassandra credentials and IP are visible plain text to the Internet. Apply them again in cube to encrypt them in the dB.xml. The docs describe how you can change the default password to something more secure, I highly recommend that.