I want to classify anything above 4 as critically high and red colour. How do I do that? I can see there is a condition column but it doesn't allow me to add greater than less than values.
Hi Samantha,
The values you enter in the alarm template (for analog parameters) are the threshold values for the given severity. In other words, if the parameter value crosses the threshold, it will result in an alarm of the severity of the threshold.
You have the expected (or normal) severity in the center of your parameter.
Any value you enter to the right-hand side of the normal severity will be considered a greater than ... value.
Any value you enter on the left-hand side of the normal severity will be considered a smaller than ... value.
When the current value exceeds a threshold you define on the right, it triggers the corresponding severity. This severity remains active until the value either falls below the threshold or crosses into a threshold for a higher severity.
The result of the thresholds you defined in your screenshot can be read as follows:
0 is the expected value.
If the value is greater than (or equal to) 1 but smaller than 2, the severity will be warning high.
If the value is greater than (or equal to) 2 but smaller than 3, the severity will be minor high.
If the value is greater than (or equal to) 3 but smaller than 4, the severity will be major high.
If the value is greater than (or equal to) 4, the severity will be critical high.
Please also take a look at our Kata video about defining alarm templates.
You can also find more information in the docs (link).

Hi Samantha,
Thas is indeed not the expected behavior.
Can you please share your DataMiner version and which protocol and version you are using?
If this is a protocol you created yourself, can you share the parameter definition?
This looks like the parameter is interpreted as a string rather than an integer.
Hi Ive, thank you so much for your answer. That makes sense! I am not noticing the behaviour reflected on my alarm though. The number of occurence has been set to 5 and the colour resets back to green (same as 0) When its 4 its red. I would expect 5 to be red as well. Does it need to be configured elsewhere?