When editing an alarm filter, I get the message that the filter is in use with the choice to edit anyway or cancel the editing.
How can I see where a particular alarm filter is being used without having to manually check all correlation rules, snmp managers, etc.?
Unfortunately, the only information Cube currently has access to is on whether or not the filter is in use (on any of the locations that are being tracked). No information is available on where the reference comes from.
To find that source, the only way I can think of requires directly searching through the files on the DMA (requires file access and a relatively unique filter name) and work from there.
findstr /c:"filtername" /i /s *.xml

Small note on this on:
You can check Cube > System Center > Tools > Clean up unused > Alarm Filters. A best-effort attempt is done to scan for unused alarm filters. So if your alarm filter is not a result of the scan, then it is most likely used in a feature of DataMiner.
We don’t have file access so unfortunately we had to find the needle in the haystack by manually looking around. The alarm filter was in this case not used in a correlation rule or SNMP manager. It turned out that it could be found under a specific user group -> Alerts section. In my case it’s solved now but not so handy if there is no file access to find it back