Suppose I want to have in a view a counter of the "views" (representing "sites", for example) in a top level Visio view.
What is the best way of achieving this?
Thank you.
Best regards
Bruno Sousa

Hello Sebastiaan
Yes, they are subviews.
Thank you.
Best regards
Bruno Sousa
Is it possible to have this counter also “filtered” by alarm severity?
Meaning: X numberof Sites in Major Severity, Y numberof Sites in Minor Severity, etc.
Thank you.
Best regards
Bruno Sousa
Hi Bruno,
If I'm understanding your use-case correctly then this can be done by using the Dashboards app and the Generic Query Interface. As Miguel mentioned it is possible to fetch views within the query interface, next to that it is also possible to fetch view relations. With the view relations data you will receive a row for every relation between a view and its direct subview/element/service/redundancy group. There is also an option available (recursive) which let you fetch not only the direct relations but also the indirect relations. By using this datasource in combination with some joins we are able to create a visualisation showing the amount of active alarms (elements) per severity within a view.
I've added an image of the query I used to visualize the amount of active alarms for a certain view below. Some explenation:
- First we fetch all view relations in the DMS, with the recursive option enabled.
- Then we filter this data to only retrieve rows when the view id is 78. Now we will receive all relationships view with id 78 has to other views/elements/services.
- This result can be joined with the elements data, so we will have a row for every element within that view or one of its subviews.
- This result can be joined with the active alarms data (Active alarms data is still behind the GenericInterface softlaunch flag, more info here https://community.dataminer.services/documentation/soft-launch-options/)
- Finally we can aggregate the result by alarm id and group it by severity. This will give us a count of active alarms per severity for a certain view.
Hi Bruno,
You can use the shape data Info to retrieve alarm statistics for a view (including sub-views). For example, if you would like to display the number of critical alarms for a view (including sub-views) in shape, you could proceed as follows:
View: View Name (or View ID)
Info: VIEW STATISTICS: ###[#TotalAlarms]
Hello Miguel,
Thank you for the feedback!
And is there any “parameter” that allows me to know how many subviews there are under a top view?
The scenario is as follows:
– I want to know how many sites (number of sviews ) are in alarm (if it is possible to know the severity of the most severe alarm the better.. if not, is not a problem)
Any solution for this use case that you propose?
Thank you.
Best regards
Bruno Sousa
Hi Bruno,
I performed a bit of investigation and I believe it is not possible to display the number of subviews in an overview. So far I could only find that it is possible to retrieve the number of elements [#TotalElements] and the number of services [#TotalServices].
However, there is an option on the Dashboard App to count the number of subviews in a view. Since DataMiner it is possible to perform queries on DataMiner views. For your use case, you can count views based on the value of a view property. This means that the subviews that you plan to count should have the same value for a view property.
Hi Miguel
Thank you for the help!
What is the option that you say is available in the Dashboard app to count the number of subviews in a view?
Thank you.
Best regards
Bruno Sousa
Hi Bruno,
Apologies for the delay in my reply.
Since DataMiner, it is possible to use DataMiner Views as data source. When creating a new GQI query, you will find the option ‘Get Views’.
You can build a query where you can aggregate based on (for example) the value of a specific view property.
This information can be displayed (for example) in a table component.
You can find more information in DataMiner Help – Configuring Dashboard Components (Using Queries Data Input):
Hi Bruno. How are views representing sites identified? Are they sub views of another view?