I would really like to run through an exercise with a DataMiner expert to architect a DataMiner system (1+1 with a cloud service provider)
The goal would be to provide a breakdown of monthly costs using a tool such as
Can anyone help?

Great minds think alike…
I have been through the same exercise multiple times. I trust this thread will evolve towards a Dojo page under resources that is open to the community.

If you would ever want to do the comparison with Azure they also have a price calculator: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/calculator/.
subscribing ++
Hi Ian,
i believe this post already contains useful information related to your question:
Cost considerations when hosting DataMiner in Azure - DataMiner Dojo
Hi Ian, I was about to ask the same 🙂
Subscribing ^^
Assuming in some sort of “on-demand” DMA case, perhaps to be used just for a couple of months, most people would just go for local DB – is that the case for your scenario as well?