Hi all,
Is it possible to get the maximum value of a trended parameter from the last 2, 7 or 30 days but only checking between TimeA and TimeB (e.g. between 9pm-11pm) using GQI?
I believe this is what you are looking for Edson (except at the end you would choose maximum of course instead of average):

Rui explained some of this in this video: https://community.dataminer.services/video/analysing-historical-trends-with-dataminer-gqi/

Thanks Ben, this will help a lot to our users and encourage them to ask here in Dojo!
As highlighted by Ben, GQI provides an excellent method for accessing these types of metrics. However, when it comes to trend data, I recommend utilizing the 'Get trend data' data source. It offers a more straightforward approach and includes trending information for standalone parameters as well. Just like Ben's suggestion, this option is also currently in its soft launch phase.
This has also been made available as a GQI ad hoc data source since the trend data is still in soft launch:
If you click on that Time Pattern, you can set your time window.