Hi, I tried to deploy an application package
Nevion Video iPath 1.0.1-CU2 • Package
but get an error from DeployToDma - looks like an issue related to unzip the package :
{ "errorMessage": "Unexpected exception occurred", "exceptionMessage": "StatusCode: UnknownError, DebugMessage: A unknown exception occurred in CoreGateway: The file C:\\Skyline DataMiner\\AppPackages\\Uploads\\Nevion Video iPath_v1.0.1-CU2_673439755f594f66965ff745aca8aba0\\Nevion Video iPath.dmapp could not be unzipped.", "stackTrace": " at ArtifactDeployer.Services.CoreGateWayResponseHandler.Implementations.CoreGateWayResponseHandler.Handle[TReq,TResp](ICoreGatewayRequestExecutor coreGatewayRequestExecutor, TReq request, MessageParser`1 responseParser, String topicId)\r\n at ArtifactDeployer.Deployer.Implementations.AppPackageDeployer.Deploy(String deploymentId, EventingInfo eventingInfo, ArtifactInfo info, String artifactLocation, DeployContext context)\r\n at ArtifactDeployer.Handler.Implementations.DeploymentHandlerEventingDecorator.<>c__DisplayClass7_0.<<DeployArtifactAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext()\r\n--- End of stack trace from previous location ---\r\n at ArtifactDeployer.Handler.Implementations.DeploymentHandlerEventingDecorator.CaptureExceptionAsync(ContextType contextType, Func`1 action)" } Any idea what is going wrong / how to resolve?

Hi Ive, no I do not see any info msgs except cloud login / logout which is normal
The package itself appears to be OK, I can install it properly on my DMA.
Can you verify the state of the DMA itself, no RTE etc. in the log files?
Is there enough free disk space ?
Can you obtain the DXM logfiles from c:\ProgramData\Skyline Communications or via remote log collection?
In case it was a one-of , you could retry the deployment.
Thanks Koen. Let me try to give some answers :
* Disk : I notice 54GB free space. I need to assume this is ok, since the catalog does not tell me how much space I need. So cannot answer that question. Don’t see a peak in disk utilization trend though
* I thought SLC can automatically collect the log files now ? This machine is ZiineDev. In any case, I found a log file SLCcaGateway_355 (not sure if this is the right one), but see no errors there. In fact, I tried again today to install the package, and the log file contains no records of today :
[2023-07-09 18:52:25.807 INF]Done refreshing the DMS secret…[SLCcaGatewayService.Services.HostedServices.RefreshDmsSpCredentialsHostedService]
[2023-07-09 18:52:25.807 INF]Updated the DMS secret refresh timestamp because of expiration change. Next refresh: “2023-07-12T11:03:51.4381761+00:00” (expire “2023-07-16T16:52:25.4100000+00:00”)[SLCcaGatewayService.Services.HostedServices.RefreshDmsSpCredentialsHostedService]
[2023-07-11 08:15:26.008 INF]Refreshing the DMS tokens…[SLCcaGatewayService.Services.HostedServices.RefreshDmsTokenHostedService]
[2023-07-11 08:15:26.117 INF]Done refreshing the DMS tokens…[SLCcaGatewayService.Services.HostedServices.RefreshDmsTokenHostedService]
[2023-07-11 08:15:26.117 INF]Updated the DMS secret refresh timestamp because of access token change. Next refresh: “2023-07-14T02:57:26.9574712+00:00” (expire “2023-07-16T16:52:25.4100000+00:00”)[SLCcaGatewayService.Services.HostedServices.RefreshDmsSpCredentialsHostedService]
[2023-07-11 08:15:26.118 INF]Updating DMS refresh token timer because of expiration change 4.08:40:39.1983549 (expire 18/07/2023 6:15:26 +00:00)[SLCcaGatewayService.Services.HostedServices.RefreshDmsTokenHostedService]
[2023-07-11 09:58:21.718 INF]Connection no longer valid. Trying to reconnect to “wss://tunnel.dataminer.services/ws/ccaconn”[SLCcaGatewayService.Services.TunnelService.TunnelConnection.Impl.TunnelConnection]
[2023-07-11 09:58:21.805 INF]WebSocket connect accepted by CcaTunnel. Setting up binding…[SLCcaGatewayService.Services.TunnelService.TunnelConnection.Impl.TunnelConnection]
[2023-07-11 09:58:21.805 INF]Forwarding all tunnel traffic to[SLCcaGatewayService.Services.TunnelService.TunnelConnection.Impl.WsToTcpLocalBehavior]
[2023-07-11 09:58:21.805 INF]A message to notify the Tunnel about the Dma State “Online” was sent.[SLCcaGatewayService.Services.TunnelService.TunnelConnection.Impl.TunnelConnection]
Remark that the issue is consistent : every attempt to install the package is failing. So it is not a one-off

The deployment of the package was failing on the side of DataMiner that could not handle packages at the time, e.g. a connector works fine.
On the side of cloud related infrastructure , everything worked fine. The package artifact is obtained and delivered to the DMA ok but then fails to install by DataMiner.
ZiineDev is running an outdated internal version of DataMiner and should not be used anymore. It is recommended to use ZiineDev2 from now on.
I verified the deployment of package artifact on ZiineDev2 and can confirm it works as expected.
Hi Steven,
Can you see any errors in the information events of the destination dataminer?