Dear Skyline teams,
From articles and communication in the past, I understand that Elasticsearch is mandatory for certain DataMiner functions/apps such as SRM, jobs, enhanced alarm searching etc. In the context of specifying DMS for new customers, I am wondering if there is a plan to make Elasticsearch mandatory for DataMiner in general? And, if so, when and from which DataMiner version would such a plan become reality?
Thank you.
Hi Jörg,
Currently, the recommended DataMiner storage architecture is based on Cassandra Cluster, which requires Elasticsearch already. (Alarms are then also stored in Elasticsearch)
This architecture will likely become the default for new installations, although no target release or date has been set for this. Even then, we should still support systems without Elasticsearch.
If we intend to stop supporting systems without Elasticsearch, I would expect this to be communicated to existing users and on our Support Life Cycle in due time.

Do you mean error like ‘The Service Manager is licensed, but no Elasticsearch database is active on the system. Therefore, Resource Manager and Service Manager will not initialize.’?

Yes, Jens, exactly this kind of message – seen it for Service Manager or Ticketing Manager- noticed these starting from the 10.1 CU1 environment.

Hi Alberto, these errors mean your systems are licensed for Service Manager or Ticketing while there is no elasticsearch. If you don’t intend to install Elasticsearch or use these features, we can remove Service Manager & Ticketing from your license. Then the errors should go away. Please contact so we can update this.

Hi Jens, alright, thanks for your response. Also, the storage architecture link is valuable. So I’m fine currently.
Keeping track of this Jens, thanks – will there be a quick option to avoid the RTEs in alarm console where ElasticSearch is not deployed / not required yet in a given DMS?