Currently we have 500+ services in one view. We want to split them across different customer views. We have to use drag-and-drop editing to move the services from one view to another.
But moving 500+ services one by one is really a difficult job. Can we select multiple select and move them into another view in one go?
Performing a drag-and-drop of multiple items is possible using the following steps:
- Open the view card for the view that contains all the 500 services.
- Go to the list of services in this card.
- Select the services you want to move, using SHIFT or CTRL-A. Use the filter box or sort on a column to easily narrow down the services.
- Enable drag-and-drop editing in the surveyor.
- Drop the multiple selection from the card onto the new view in the surveyor.

Hi Jeyaram,
I have included an image to illustrate the operation (I am holding SHIFT while clicking on Service05). However I did notice that this functionality is limited in DataMiner 9.6.0, in that it only allows a copy, not a move. This means the services need to be removed one by one from the source view, and it also means the items can only be dragged to a view that is not a parent or child view of the source view. So the suggestion from Thijs is probably the best for your use case.
To move elements you can export to CSV, change the view ID associated to your elements/services and patch it to be the view ID of your newer container/destination: you can also specify multiple IDs for each element if you need it to be listed in more than one view.
Maybe a bit lengthy, but not aware of any other way to achieve this - the "Admin/ Views">listeElement-RighClick>Include/Exclude was a feature of the older GUI.
Is the proposed solution actually working to "move" the elements with a different key combination or in a newer release?
The post is marked as solved - as I guess in most cases "copying" services (or elements) can be a possible workaround, but in the image above I see that a "copy" would occur - what if I want to just "move" the items, not interested in keeping them in the original view?
I'd have the same requirement, as described in this newer post: https://community.dataminer.services/question/include-multiple-elements-at-once-in-a-new-view/
Hi Alberto, It’s not possible to move elements with this solution
CAUTION: Using below workaround with adapting the Views.XML and apply the changes via the SLNetClientTest tool is not advised and also not supported within the Maintenance & Support.
There is no guarantee this procedure will be maintained to work in the future. (Current described procedure is for DM 10.0)
Hi Jeyaram,
I don't see an immediate way to do this via the UI. You can always create a new feature suggestion.
As workaround you could either use the Automation engine and build a script to move certain elements/services to specific views.
Another solution is by updating the Views.xml file manually on one of your DataMiner agents and trigger a refresh via the SLNetClientTest tool.
"C:\Skyline DataMiner\Views.xml"
if you move items from one view into another and save the file, you will be able to refresh your DataMiner surveyor without restarting the software.
after the changes are saved you can trigger DataMiner to apply this updated file via the SLNetClientTest tool.
tip: Make sure to take a backup of your Views.xml in case you mess up the file.
Important note!!
Syncing is only done on all active agents in your DMS. In case of failover setups: make sure to follow below procedure on the offline agents to also sync the views.xml correctly.
The other main agents of the cluster will show the update immediately. In order to see the update on the agent you're connected to with the SLNetClientTest, you'll have to perform the following:
- SLNetClientTest.exe
- Diagnostics top menu > Caches & Subscriptions > RefreshCachedData
- If the RefreshCachedData does not work, you can do the RefreshXmlFileRequest again from another DMA
Any offline failover-pair-agents of your cluster will not have received the update. For each of them, perform the following:
- Connect to the offline agent with the SLNetClientTest.exe. You'll have to enable KeepConnectionIfNoAgentRunning from the list of Attributes on the right.
- Update the Views.xml file manually and save it on that offline agent's server (or copy and overwrite a correct Views.xml).
- Perform the RefreshXmlFileRequest procedure as listed above.
- Perform the RefreshCachedData procedure as listed above.
Hi Bert,
The below steps didn’t work for me
1. I have open the view contains all services
2. When do Shift+A and click on the service, it opens in the new card. Whereas I can’t select the service for drag and drop editing