How is replication handled in a DMS Cassandra cluster spanning regional data centers; synchronously or asynchronously ?
Hi Wale,
You will need to configure the file (used by the snitch) to provide information towards Cassandra on the setup. Once Cassandra is aware of the network topology you can configure your keyspaces to make use of the NetworkTopologyStrategy. With this strategy, you can configure a different replication factor on the different datacenters.
Let me know if you have additional questions.

Hi Michiel,
For sake of completeness I would like to point out that in case you design a multi datacenter cluster in Cassandra, its highly recommended to switch to a different snitch –> GossipingPropertyFileSnitch instead of the SimpleSnitch. When making use of the GossipingPropertyFileSnitch it will read out the datacenter topology information from a different properties file –> file.
More information on this can be found on the datastax website: