Hi Dojo,
I have a DMA backup file (.dmbackup). I have converted it to a zip file from where I can access the files inside.
- How can I find in which version of DataMiner the backup was taken ? (I do not have the Upgrades folder inside, so no VersionHistory)
- How can I find if it was 'full backup' or 'full backup without database' ?
Arunkrishna Shreeder [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 8th August 2021
- A round-about way of knowing the version is to check the Cube version if included in your backup.
The name of the folder in the (Webpages\DataMinerCube\Application) directory indicates the DM version. - The MaintenanceSettings.xml file also shows the type of Predefined backup configured. You can find this in the folder named 'Root' in Updates.zip of your Backup package. Look for the (BackupSettings Tag)
<Data>PREDEFINEDBACKUPID=1</Data> #1 here indicates a Full Backup
Bert Vandenberghe [SLC] [DevOps Enabler] Posted new comment 31st August 2021

Hey Arunkrishna,
- There should be an Upgrade folder present in the case of a full backup, in other cases there is no real way to know on which version the backup was taken I think.
- You can find this info in the Description.txt inside the package
Brent Alleweireldt [SLC] Answered question 5th August 2021
About the version: I just learned you can also find the version of DataMiner in the following file: C:Skyline DataMinerFilesbuildinfo.bin. This includes the package with the version and build number which has been installed, and if you have the files included in your backup, you should also be able to locate this file.