Hi Dojo, we have a few servers where the database back-up procedure is triggering the following
Notice Alarm:
'Backup status' is 'Backup job had errors. !! Backup-process failed, see logging for details. Unspecified error (-2147467259)' on '<MyDMA-HostnameHere>'.
Has anyone else come across this unspecified error?
The error ID is the same for all the servers where the notice is generated - we found this on 4 servers in the cluster, we're currently running release
other DMAs in the same cluster don't produce the issue.
The backup file seems to be completed on the local path a few seconds before the error is generated: is there a way to verify that the generated file is not corrupted and actually usable (without necessarily loading it to the DMA)?

Error -2147467259 is the same as 0x80004005 == E_FAIL and is a general error code indicating "Unspecified Error"
One relevant logfile would be the backup logfile (c:\Skyline DataMiner\Backup)
Additionally, as the backup file does appear to have been created, the error might be related to trying to further upload the file to a remote path. Relevant logfiles would be SLDMS.txt / SLErrors.txt.
You might also be able to find back error messages in the information events that get generated when starting/completing a backup.

Thanks for the thorough feedback, Wouter – we got our tech squad working on it via DCP222119 – adding the reference for them

Any word on this?
We are experiencing the same issue on our DMS. I don't have access to the DCP task. Please if anyone can tell me what the outcome of this investigation was, thanks.
Hi Miguel, in the case of the DCP task above, the error turned out to be caused by a misconfiguration of the database.
If you are seeing the same error code, what I wrote in my original response is still valid (search for more detailed error messages in the backup logfile / SLDMS.txt / SLErrors.txt)
Hi Alberto,
Maybe the backup logfile on C:\Skyline DataMiner\Backup can give a hint on what went wrong.
I'm not aware of any way to verify that the generated file is not corrupted except trying a restore.

Thanks, Debeuf – we’ll check that logfile and update the post
We have engaged our squad, but posting here in case this has been experienced outside of our environment too, just to retrieve some feedback