I'm trying to connect to a DMA API using the API command (ConnectApp) and it throws a "500 Internal Bad Request" status code. You can see the error description below:
"Request format is unrecognized for URL unexpectedly ending in '/ConnectApp'."
Here is the request I'm trying to execute with HTTPS communication.
I also tried with HTTP communication and it throws the following error:
Hi German,
If you are executing the web API call, could you please double-check if the <protocols> section has been uncommented in the web.config file.
This should be done with caution, enabling this allows any web page hosted on any webserver to execute in the client browser any WebAPI methods on the DataMiner.
Enabling this is not needed to use the WebAPI methods in an application like Postman.
When in doubt, keep this disabled (which is the default).