Are there any features or items that are no longer supported in DM 10.2 and if so is there an official list of these items.
Hi Jeff,
While we always try to avoid that, in some cases it might be inevitable. I'm not aware of anything on top of my head, but all information on that should be always communicated here:
Skyline Support Life Cycles - DataMiner Dojo provides details about Life Cycle management, and here we provide a heads-up on what our plans are in relation to retiring certain pieces of software DataMiner Functionality Evolution and Retirement - DataMiner Dojo.
In the release note section you can also find a page for breaking changes (Breaking changes - DataMiner Dojo). This may also be of interest.
Hope this is what you were looking for, don't hesitate to reach out if we can be of further assistance.

Note that this information has been moved to
Sorry for the delay in saying thanks Ben.