I already tried out DataMiner Teams bot on 10.2 version. Great way to interactively get real-time data from my DMA.
I was wondering if it is possible to receive real-time alarm notifications from my DMA on my Teams channel. Does anyone know?
Hi Bruno
Receiving notifications from DataMiner within Teams is not yet supported but is certainly on the RoadMap for the Teams Bot.
Can I ask you how you would expect to be able to send these events or notifications? Do you want to be able to set it up so certain alarms are automatically sent to a configured Teams Channel? Would you want a possibility to send notifications from within an Automation Script?

Hi Bruno
A first version of this will soon be available on one of the internal test systems within Skyline.
Hi Baptiste,
I would expect to send notifications the same way that’s done over email, SMS and Alerter tool.
Sending notifications from within an Automation Script would be a nice to have, specially for orchestration projects.