Hi All,
I'm wondering if someone can point me in the right direction for doing a complete server/DMA migration from one pair of servers to another, it has been a while since I have had to do it and just want to verify the process of carrying a migration.

Hi Ryan
Without knowing the details of your system, the following Method of Procedure will be your base reference: Migrating a Failover pair to new hardware | DataMiner Docs (=> Rene already forwarded you to the links for taking the backup and restoring a backup)
Then in terms of your database, if you're using:
- local DB => easiest will be to include the DB into the backup
- external DB => nothing should change, as dataminer refers to the IP of these external DB servers.
In general, you'll also need to make sure the new hardware has the same privileges as the old hardware (i.e. firewall, network accessibility).
If you have multiple agents to migrate, best is to schedule in 1 agent per day.
As for the new hardware, this page will be useful as well: DataMiner Compute Requirements | DataMiner Docs
Finally, you can also request the squad to arrange someone to be on standby for these migration actions.
Hope this helps 🙂
Hi Ryan, could you please provide more details on the system setup and objectives?
Some basic questions:
– Are these VMs or physical servers?
– What is the DMS storage tier architecture?
Some links you could already consult:
– https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Advanced_Functionality/DataMiner_Agents/Backing_up_a_DataMiner_Agent.html
– https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Advanced_Functionality/DataMiner_Agents/Restoring_a_DataMiner_Agent.html