Hi all
Quick question, is there a way to restrict the users to use the launcher? In this way, we are sure that they are using the correct client that corresponds to the Dataminer version.
As far as I know, the only way users can have an outdated client is by using the DataMinerCubeStandalone (http://ip/DataMinerCubeStandalone) client. You can prevent users from downloading this client by adding a Deny URL sequence under Request Filtering in IIS. This will not work for users that have already downloaded said client already. Other than that I don't think there's a way to actually force users to use the DataMiner Cube Start Window (aka the launcher). Note you could to something similar to prevent users from using the XBAP application in IE.

Currently, the Cube Start Window is installed as an .exe, which cannot be installed through a group policy. (there may be other ways to install an .exe on client machines automatically, but those will depend on the infrastructure) Once the Cube Start Window is available as an MSI package it should be possible to install it automatically through a GPO. There are plans to do this but no specific timeline yet.
Hi Jaime,
As far as I know the launcher does a version check before connecting to the agent. How is it possible that the user has a wrong client running?

Hi Jens
The scenario is more like this: The customer performs a Dataminer update but the users still use the previous stand-alone cube.
So what I want to achieve is that the user use the launcher so doesn’t matter to which Dataminer version is connecting they will have the correct version of the client.
I was thinking that maybe the IT department could implement some policy with this that you mention, bloc the URL to download the standalone cube and install the launcher so the user is forced to use it.