For testing purposes, I am using Dataminer Configs to have multiple Dataminer versions available on my computer. By using the SLTaskbarUtility, I can easily switch to my desired Dataminer configuration in just a few seconds. At this moment, I have a config with DM 9.6 main release installed and another config with the latest 9.6 feature release.
I would like to add a new config with DM 10.0 main release installed. I can't seem to find any documentation on whether this is already supported. Are there any things to keep in mind?
Note: As far as I know, it is not recommended to use Dataminer Configs in a production environment.
Jarno, the initial answer is 'yes' it is possible to use multiple main releases in the configuration switcher.
There are a few thing to mention:
- You're probably referring to SLTaskbarUtility which automatically gets installed on the server hosting the DMA node, and not the client test tool.
- There are a few known caveats, for me these are the most important ones
- It's by default using a MySQL config, so if you only have Cassandra installed you'll have to modify the db.xml manually
- As there is only 1 version of SLTaskbarUtility installed on the DMA (only the most recent one from your different configs) you might encounter issues upgrading an older version using the taskbar utility.
More information can be found in this help item:

I also tried to add an extra DM configuration (DM 10.0) to my setup and the issue that I’m having is the following:
When creating the config, I started from a full backup of an existing/running DM 10.0 agent.
Since I didn’t had Elastic installed on my local setup (and the setup that I used for importing already did). I’m unable to find the button to run the Elastic installation.
I believe the best approach is to start a config from a BLANK DM 10.0 package. And only after the configuration is successfully up, then import the backup to load a pre-configured setup.
Correct. There is no limitation to install multiple main and/or feature release configurations next to each other. Works fine 🙂
Note: refer to to your note: it's not only recommended, but also not allowed to use DataMiner Configs on a production system.
Refer DataMiner Help: "DataMiner configuration switching should never be enabled on an operational system. Only enable this feature on systems used for staging, demo or testing purposes."
You are correct, I meant SLTaskbarUtility.