We would like to connect our DataMiner with Slack.
I understand with the Slack Messaging Connector: https://catalog.dataminer.services/details/918ef3fc-5d46-4263-b80d-a58a8ec50da8
It was written to be compatible with Slack Legacy Apps - Now that Slack Legacy Apps are completely end of life.
I would like to know if it's still possibe to connect Slack and DataMiner using this connector, with the following method in mind:
Element Details:
Type of Port: TCP/IP
IP address/host: slack.com
IP Port: 443
Then creating a Slack app and installing it on the relevant workspace and then:
Copy the "Bot User Oauth Access Token", and paste it in the "OAuth Access Token" parameter on the Authentication page of the Slack element in DataMiner.
Will this method still work? Or is their more steps that need to be done to accommodate the connector having to use the new Slack Apps workflow?
Let me refer you to this question from 2023: https://community.dataminer.services/question/slack-authentication-error/.
Note that I have not done any testing anymore since then but that is what I had to do to get everything working.