Hi Dojo,
Currently, we are using the queries method to filter the required information for SLA Outage List. When there is no SLA outage data that matches the filters, the dashboard shows "There is no data to display".
Kindly advise how to rename it to "'There is no outage data for this month". Thank you in advance
Hi Ashwiny,
This is currently not possible, but we have an item on our backlog for this.
We're currently scoping this for the grid component. Is the component in your dashboard a table?

I’ve moved the item to your M&S project, you should be able to reach DCP206151 (https://collaboration.dataminer.services/task/206151).

This is available from DataMiner 10.3.11 onwards.
Hi Ashwiny.
I don't believe it's possible yet to overwrite this message and will most likely require new software features to make it possible.
New features can be requested on following page.
Hi Ashwiny,
For the moment I don't believe there is an option to redefine the default message, when your query filter does not return any data.
But when providing a good title on the Table is should be clear for the end user which data is currently not available.
E.g. Table Title: "Outage List (current month) MUX A"
When the user then sees: "There is no data to display", it should be clear that there is no outage data for current month.
kind regards,
Hi Sebastian, the component is a table. Can you share the case number ?