A user needs to build a portal/app in DataMiner to share with hundreds of his customers so each of them can schedule and, potentially monitor while running, only their own events (video feeds). Is this possible today?
Licensing might need to be considered for this - normally a DMA is licensed to a single customer. I think https://shares.dataminer.services/ would eventually allow to share screens between 2 or more customers who have already their own licensed DMS.
Wheather it's viable or not... could eventually depend on the level of "segregation" required: you can surely have each user/customer connecting to a central DMS, to land and see only the assigned set of views. SRM or Router Control modules may still be global when accessed through surveyor - worth testing if some separation can be implemented there just with user settings (e.g. showing only specific pages of the Router Control App).
The level of concurrent access may play a role - so a dashboard gateway could come in handy (it used to be a component with a separate license), as well as a load balancer (how many requests should the web server handle?).

Hi Bruno,
There is a “SecurityViewId” that can be assigned to reservations (bookings) and jobs. When this is set, only users that have read access to that view (configurable in System Center) will be able to read that booking or job.
Thanks, Alberto. You make some good points there, the first consideration is indeed security, not only “seeing” work from others but the logging into the application the User builds and how to manage that.
I was initially thinking of the legacy dashboard gateway, too. It seems the shares, as you suggest, are now a better fit for the purpose. Checking the licensing here, only the User would need to have a DMS, that being cloud-connected, he can share with hundreds of Customers, and it solves my access concerns https://community.dataminer.services/dataminer-cloud-platform-services/
Then comes the second part, when I share the same application or the same dashboard, do the Customers see only their bookings?