Our goal is to develop a connector that forwards alarms to a 3rd party system as SNMP traps. We need to avoid that there are processing peaks or memory usage peaks when there are a lot of alarms process, so the DataMiner cluster performance is stable.
Is there any documentation available on the best practices to implement a buffer mechanism to forward unsolicited events?

Hey Ive,
Indeed, SNMP Manager feature can work for some cases, but this user would like to have some custom workflows integrated in the forwarding logic. This way, the user is developing the connector themselves.
Ive mentioned the SNMP manager in the comments above, I would like to provide additional information to this.
We have a dynamic SNMP manager that contains a range of functionality coming right from DataMiner's core software.
- Its possible to create your own custom bindings and export unique MIBs to forward to third party systems. Be specific for exactly what parameters are sent forward.
2. In addition to the custom MIB/bindings you can also apply rules for filtering down to a specific parameter for a targeted element or protocol.
This tackles the above part to avoid processing peaks. If you really are only interested on forwarding a single parameter, that is possible using the filtering.
3. Finally the SNMP manager allows you to create multiple managers, each containing either traps/inform messages. Dedicated filtering per manager or custom MIBs. This means you no longer require a protocol for such events
It is possible to achieve the same outcome (forwarding SNMP message to a third party system) in multiple ways.
Though, if you use the SNMP manager in the core software, the process' used will already be accounted for and likely to be more efficient than creating a protocol that uses additional process (SL protocol/SL Automation etc...)
Hi Bruno,
Just out of curiosity, is there a reason why you don’t use the standard SNMP Manager functionality?