Hi Dojo,
A few questions came up while working on some optimizations in a cluster - I'd need to make sure that DataMiner end-points are never polled via a web-proxy, where a proxy must be configured for other purposes.
For simplicity, let's assume a scenario with 5 DMAs in the cluster,
with DMA01 and DMA02 being the two on which SAML access is configured and so a proxy must be added to reach my external authentication.
From proxy logs, I can see that the 2 "SAML" DMAs keep sending this kind of "GET"
<Source-DMA01-IP> GET http://<DMA03-IP>/Endpoints.txt
<Source-DMA01-IP> GET http://<DMA04-IP>/Endpoints.txt
<Source-DMA01-IP> GET http://<DMA05-IP>/Endpoints.txt
<Source-DMA02-IP> GET http://<DMA03-IP>/Endpoints.txt
<Source-DMA02-IP> GET http://<DMA04-IP>/Endpoints.txt
<Source-DMA02-IP> GET http://<DMA05-IP>/Endpoints.txt
Cannot see the reverse request in this log, so DMA03, DMA04 and DMA05 are either not requesting the
endpoints or successfully bypassing the proxy (which is what I would like to achieve also for DMA01 and DM02).
How often are these "Endpoints" requests needed in a DMS?
Any way I can can cache these in cluster configurations on each DMA (xml files)?
And if not, is there any way of setting this GET at application layer to never use a proxy?
In DMS.xml I can see that for DMA03, DMA04 and DMA05
some "lost contact" timestamps are reported:
Checked winhttp & Internet-Options:
DMS addresses seem to be correctly added to the bypass lists there - suspecting something at GPO layer may kick-in, hence why I'm wondering if there is any application settings I could leverage to force this kind of requests to not use a proxy - any steer will be helpful.
Versioning info at the bottom.
Server version : (10.3.0 CU5)
Client version : 10.3.2243.13316-c0f46547
Launcher version : 10.4.2413.720-1c47f2f3
Hi Alberto,
Some feedback below:
Between DMAs, EndPoints.txt is being requested when setting up a connection between agents, mainly to auto detect the destination port (at least for .NET Remoting connections).
4 requests are being made: http vs https and with and without a proxy defined. The first request to succeed is being worked with.
If all requests fail or take to long, DataMiner will still try to continue setting up the connection over the default port 8004 (for .NET Remoting)
As far as I know, there's no way to skip these or part of these requests.
About the "lostContact" timestamps in DMS.xml: DataMiner updates these timestamps continuously while it has an active connection towards that agent. If the local agent goes down or restarts, it then has a memory of when it last had contact with that agent (and can use that info for synchronization when setting up contact again)
Hope this helps