While trying to follow the Method of Procedure Migrating a Failover pair to new hardware - DataMiner Dojo, I couldn't perform the steps below, as I couldn't find the DMS.xml file in the Update.zip that's is part of the backup file.
3. Modify the DataMiner backup package as follows:
Change the extension from .dmupgrade to .zip.
Open the compressed archive and remove the file DMS.xml.
Change the package extension back to .dmupgrade.
I tested this on DataMiner 10.1.5 and 10.1.2
This seems to be a known issue Backup - DMS.xml not backupped

DMS.xml also stores the custom connection strings, shouldn’t these also be included in the backup? I had a case where all 5 agents (of which 2 failover pairs) were running HTTPS so every agent had several custom connection strings which were quite complex to configure. After upgrading my DMS broke (DMS.xml was actually deleted due to a software issue), I wanted to reconfigure my cluster but found all this info was not included in the backup. Wouldn’t it be safer if we included DMS.xml in the backup but simply don’t restore it during the restore? That way you can simply open the backup and copy the connection strings without having to configure all the custom connection strings again.
The reason why the DMS.xml should be removed before restoring is a safety measure, in order to avoid that incorrect synchronization would take place. In case that the new server would not be set to a correct time, it could cause synchronization into the reverse direction.
As a safety measure, the DMS.xml is taken out when restoring to avoid this to occur.
So, I’m wondering if the dms.xml should actually be included into the backup, if it will always need to be removed for restore procedure?