Hi Dojo,
quick info: are there any config files that can be used to finetune the backup options in a DMS?
As an admin, I'd like to specify different retention policies for the local and the network path
(e.g. 5 copies on the network drive and just 2 locally on the agent), so that I can save space on local disks but keep enough history in the network storage.
The DMA policy seems to be unique in the GUI:
Slightly related: when working with local drives, I seem to observe that despite specifying "D:" in the local path, the backup archive is written on the drive where DataMiner is installed (e.g. "C:") before being transferred to the specified directory - I can understand why, but is it possible to tweak these settings (somewhere else) so that the archive is directly written on "D:"?
in this example, I could see that the disk usage for "C:" was almost the same across DMA1 & DMA2, despite specifying "D:" for DMA1:

This question sheds some light on a workaround that changes the temporary location using symbolic links. Highly recommended to test this in a staging environment first.

Thanks for the hint, Wale: I’ve checked the comments in the thread and I’ve retrieved this from Alex:
“[…] As a workaround, you can create a symbolic link to change the actual location of “C:Skyline DataMinerBackup” to a different drive. The command to create a link should be something like this:
mklink /J “D:Skyline DataMiner Backups” “C:Skyline DataMinerBackup”
Please keep in mind that this is just a suggestion, not the official solution for this issue. […].”
I guess it’s safer to expand “C:” in VMs, where this is easily achievable;
for hardware servers, may need to check this or Bens’s suggestion.
As for the wider scope of the post, I’ve logged a feature suggestion so that the back-up retention policy for network storage can be different from the one for local back-up:
A feature suggestion was submitted to achieve this: