If we have external Cassandra and Elastic Linux servers, what is the best way to back them up for say, preserving the data for a future use or restoring it later on ?
Does DataMiner have any tool to do that ?
Thanks in advance.
Depending on the type of database you are using (Cassandra Cluster vs Separate Cassandra) there are some tools and documentation available.
General information on backing up an agent: Backing up a DataMiner Agent | DataMiner Docs.
For both Cassandra Single Node and Cassandra Cluster there is a tool available to take backups: Standalone Cassandra Backup tool | DataMiner Docs.
For Elastic we also have a tool available: Standalone Elastic Backup tool | DataMiner Docs.
I hope this information helps you.

since these are tools that can be called through the CLI you could create some scripts that run on a fixed schedule to automate the backup of these DataBases.
Hi Baptiste,
Is it possible to schedule/automatize the backing up of external databases with these DataMiner tools?