I have a property "numbers" which contains values seperated with a pipe symbol:
[property:numbers] = 234|214|34|4Is there a way to express that I want to split this string with the seperator | and only use the 1. 2. 3. or 4. part in a visio?

I found a regex...
...but it's quiet a challange to select the nth occurance for each field now.
[RegexMatch:([^|;]+),[property:numbers]] Isn''t working.Do you have any example?

Hi Dominik, this should be possible using the "index" option.
The resulting command will be something like Regexmatch:([^|;]+),[property:numbers],index=0 to select the first number of the list.
Hi Michiel, I managed to get a result, if I enter the numbers directly, but it doesn't accept the nested [property:numbers]. Maybe because it does not expect a srting. The search terms seems to be programmed without quotes at least.
You could achieve this with the proposal of Miguel, but I highly suggest to explore the new placeholder that is better fit for this use case!
Kind Regards,
Hi Dominik, this should be possible using the "index" option.
The resulting command will be something like Regexmatch(([^|;]+),[property:numbers],index=0) to select the first number of the list.