Hi All,
Long time user, first time poster 🙂
We have a prob in that everytime a user logs back into DM, the console comes up in the 'Automatically group to arrangement' format, even if that option is unticked in the hamburger menu.
They then have to untick it, tick it again, and then untick it a second time before that setting is removed.
Has anyone come across this. We've checked all the settings in the alarm console section, as well as other settings, but cannot find anything to stop this from happening.

Hi Jeeva, we are using the Cube client app….
Hi Tom,
We have introduced a software issue which groups the alarms even if the setting "Automatically group according to arrangement" is not enabled. There is no workaround for this but we will look into fixing this.

Hi Michael. Yes, that would be very much appreciated. May I assume that a task to address this issue has been created?
Yes, I have tried everything. going into the settings and disabling the automatic grouping function for each tab but no matter what, it still comes back to haunt me 🙂
Thank you for looking into this.
Hi Tom,
A task to address this issue has indeed been created.

Hi Michael,
Could you let me know the time frame of when this task might be completed. This is one of a few issues that is preventing us from cutting over to Cube 10.2.
Appreciate you looking into this.
Hi Tom,
As it stands now the fix will be available in 10.2.10

Thank you, Michael
Hi Tom,
In that case, have you tried to reinstall the Cube client app again?
You may uninstall the Cube and follow this link on the steps for reinstalling the DataMiner Cube.

Thanks for the suggestion, Jeeva, but this happens on everyone’s client. Wouldn’t an uninstall/install solution be more appropriate if this was only happening on one work station?

Can you please let us know what the DataMiner and Cube versions are?
You can also try to clear the XBAP based on the link that I provided above.

We are using server and client v10.2 in our test environment.
Production servers and client are still on v9.5. The grouping in v9.5 is displaying normally.
Hi Tom, can I know if you are using the Internet Explorer or Cube App to access the DataMiner?