Is there or can there be considered an option to allow a 'privileged' user to delete alarms from the Active alarm DB or Historic Alarm DB via the alarm console; so for example, a 'right click' and delete option. I am comparing this with other alarm presentation tooling that I have come across and it seems a commonly used function.
I guess the backend would require deleting a selected alarm from various tables and perform a commit etc. The reason I ask, is that we have a number of sticky alarms which have not received the relevant clear alarm and remain stuck in the Active alarm DB. Whilst this is not a condition conducive to an actual issue within Dataminer itself; it could be considered helpful to an operations team whose responsibility it is to maintain a healthy alarm presentation.
I welcome your comments/suggestions.

Hi Ken,
You can add this to the feature suggestions DataMiner Feature Suggestions - DataMiner Dojo
A downside of this feature would be that the user can delete an alarm which is actually still active (so no sticky alarm). The alarm will be deleted from the database but shortly after it will be added again as the parameter is still in alarm. This could give the impression that the delete did not work.

I believe a better alternative to the above, is to provide the required functionality in the driver that is causing the “sticky” alarm.
The alarms in DataMiner represent accurately what is reported by any remote data source. If the data which is reported in the elements that are collecting data from that remote data source is inaccurate, the source of the problem should be tackled in that driver.
e.g. if a trap table in a driver contains a row for an alarm that no longer exists, you or skyline can add functionality in that driver to allow a user to remove the row representing that trap(, or make the trap binding columns writable).
Hi.. Thanks for you inputs.. Please mark as resolved
Ken – What you propose is definitely interesting. Maybe you can add this to the feature suggestions (https://community.dataminer.services/feature-suggestions).
For now, I’d advise to use the masking functionality (https://help.dataminer.services/dataminer/#t=DataMinerUserGuidepart_2alarmsMasking_and_unmasking_alarms.htm&rhsearch=masking&rhhlterm=masking&rhsyns=)