Bye-bye, FOMO – Catch up on the latest and greatest the DataMiner Community has to offer!
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Welcome to our monthly DataMiner Dojo update, FOMO DOJO.
Our community continuously provides interesting insights, fascinating use cases, and other useful resources that are just too valuable to miss out on!
That’s why we’ve put together this time-saving overview with all of September’s top picks from the DataMiner Community.
Now you have the latest and greatest DataMiner Community information right at your fingertips. So, what are you waiting for?
Editor’s pick: must-read blog posts
Catch up on the latest news, from the tiniest DataMiner details to the latest industry trends.
- Viaplay Group chooses DataMiner to streamline their production workflows 2 min. read
- Qvest and Skyline enter global strategic partnership 2 min. read
- New course: SRM – implementing virtual functions <1 min. read
- Ziine – your reference for Visual Overview functionality 3 min. read
- The benefits of OKRs: F.A.C.T.S. 3 min. read

Editor’s pick: 5 questions and their answers
Join the DataMiner discussion, from the tiniest details to the biggest trends.
Over 3,700 questions have been posted and answered already.
- What are the minimum specs required for using only the DataMiner Low-Code Apps?
- What are the resource requirements to connect your DMS to the cloud with DMZ?
- Can you deploy custom applications using the DataMiner Cloud Platform?
- How do I manage backups for DMAs and restore them in the event of system failure?
- How do you join tables that are displaying the same info but from different protocols?

Want to join in?
Ask a question of your own and get it answered by the community!
Please note that you need to be logged in to access our Q&A portal: in the top-right corner of the screen, click LOG IN and authenticate yourself with your corporate email address.
DataMiner Low-Code Apps
Create your own powerful apps regardless of your coding abilities
Growing as an agile business is about empowering teams to reach goals in their own way, with their own skills and tools.
Our brand-new Low-Code Apps allow DevOps teams from all skill levels to create powerful applications tailored to their needs so that they can effectively & efficiently perform their day-to-day tasks.
✔️ Easy to build with a drag-and-drop component library
✔️ Get access to your entire data lake and display the data how you like
✔️ Add controls to easily trigger workflows and processes from your app
✔️ Customize, share and secure!
Use case: Job and Event Management
In 8 short—but mighty sweet—videos, Rui demonstrates how DataMiner manages events and jobs in the most complex media service supply chains.
- Ordering Events via Custom Portal 5:26 min.
Quickly order events using a dedicated portal built with DataMiner Low-Code Apps, tailor-made for your production company. - Handling Customer Orders with the Event Administration Portal 5:05 min.
Receive and manage orders for production events with the dedicated Event Administration Portal. - Managing a Production Job with DataMiner 5:02 min.
Discover the Jobs App, which lets your production operators handle media events quickly and easily. - Handling Satellite Downlink Jobs 5:49 min.
Media events that require satellite distribution can be easily handled by your operators thanks to DataMiner Low-Code Apps built to receive and manage satellite downlink jobs. - Preparing SDMN Jobs with DataMiner 4:06 min.
With DataMiner, IP Engineers can tackle SDMN jobs for booked media events using dedicated apps designed specifically to receive and handle IP Contribution matters. - Monitoring Live Events 5:01 min.
DataMiner SDMN and Flow Monitoring Apps allow you to monitor several technical aspects of an event while it is live. - Monitoring OTT Live Streams 4:41 min.
DataMiner’s integration with known cloud services allows you to orchestrate live OTT services in the cloud automatically. - Collaboration Tools for Events and Jobs 4:47 min.
You can easily employ DataMiner’s collaboration features which enable you to collaborate with your customers and empower their DevOps teams.