Protocol thread run-time error use cases

Do you create or troubleshoot DataMiner protocols? Then this new article on protocol thread run-time errors may be a very interesting read for you. With 5 different use cases, it …

Liberating structures

A colleague Scrum Master asked me recently if I have any tips on how to get everyone engaged during Scrum events. The problem she was having was that it were …

What about your Agile and Scrum mindset?

Agile methodologies are the key to achieve the best possible result in projects where there are a lot of variables and unknowns. It’s also important that we all understand the …

Project Collaboration empowers Agile teams

Curious to see how our teams use Project Collaboration as a tool to work Agile?  Below is a real use case where many Agile practices are applied that help us deliver valuable …

DataMiner Project Collaboration thumbnail

Project Collaboration empowers the Agile Partnership

The Project Collaboration module, which is part of the DataMiner Cloud Platform, has been launched! This new cloud module facilitates agile collaboration for distributed DevOps teams and is specifically tailored towards managing deployment and continuous evolution …

New! Feature Suggestions

At Skyline, it is our mission to ensure you can deliver exceptional ICT media and broadband services. Based on our innovative vision to empower digital transformation, we continuously evolve our solutions, …

Agile project manager – The new way

Everybody is aware that the agile way of working is here, and it’s here to stay. I was thinking, how does that affect the traditional role of a project manager? …