Looking at the following requirements:
DataMiner Compute Requirements - DataMiner Dojo
DataMiner 10.1.0 System Requirements - DataMiner Dojo
Will there be any changes comping up with the release of DataMiner 10.2 or will the requirements for DataMiner, Cassandra and Elastic remain the same?
The compute requirements don't change for DataMiner 10.2 specifically. But we do have some general recommendations that will change based on further data from the field.
Memory requirements for a DataMiner Node.
This was set to:
- Minimum 32 GB
- Average 64 GB
- Max 128 GB
Based on some facts we can lower these to:
- Minimum 16 GB
- Average 32 GB
- Max 64 GB
Note: that this applies for the DataMiner compute node, so if you would add Cassandra or Elastic, then you need to add the extra RAM for these.
Another thing to note: is that from Cassandra 4.0 onwards the OS needs to be a Linux OS, so Windows is no longer supported for that version of Cassandra.
The images on the links you provided will be updated soon.