I encountered a case where on a write parameter, there was :
- write parameter 258 --> Qaction 250 with trigger on write parameter 258
- trigger on change of parameter 258 --> action --> execute next group 50
Is the order fixed?
Meaning, will the QAction always be launched first, or will the group always be launched first, or is there no specific order in this case, and will it vary from time to time?
Hi Filiep,
The trigger will be triggered first. In case the action executes a poll group it will be added to the queue and after that the QAction will execute.
However, it's weird to have 2 separate "triggers" for the same parameter. It could be improved to only keep the QAction (if it makes sense that it's triggered) and then trigger the execution of the group from the QAction itself (via protocol.CheckTrigger). In the end it might result in the same behavior, but this would at least make the flow easier to understand.

My answer is actually quite similar to the one of Jens, with the only difference that I mentioned the trigger will be triggered first. This is something that I didn’t actually verify, but is how I have always known. However, the most important part of the answer is to avoid having both at the same time.
Hi Filiep,
It depends on the group type:
- In case of type poll (action/trigger) the QAction will be executed first
- In case of type action/trigger I don't think that there is a fixed order
It seems your answer differs from the one given by Joey Vandewalle.
I wonder who is right.
It seems your answer differs from the one from Jens Vandewalle.
So I wonder who is right.