Trying to configure a redundancy group with Ateme Titan Live, connector version
The devices do not appear in the list of available devices to manage
What is the reason of this DMA behavior?
How to setup a redundancy group in this case?
Hi Yohann and Thomaz, I stumbled upon this dojo question during an investigation.
This is by design(RN5007) configuration of redundancy groups is restricted on DVE Manager (i.e. main elements) unless creation of DVEs is disabled(RN7961).
To be able to include them, you need to disable the "Enable DVE child creation" checkbox in the Edit Element page:
I have the same issues with that I can´t see any Ateme servers in the drop down menu. Has this been a known issues or is this something related to my environment?
There is nothing special about the Ateme Tital Live connector, so it should be possible to add these elements into the redundancy group. One interesting point to know would be if we are talking about the main element or one of the linked DVEs of the Titan Live element
It's possible depending on the DMA version you are running that you need to reconnect your cube if your elements were just created before they become available in the list.
If they are still not there, i would assume this is an issue with the element cache, a DMA restart would very likely solve this, if this is happening regularly or even a DMA restart doesn't solve this, you can request a further investigation by sending a mail to