Good morning,
At the operation level, we need to make a view or Dashboard for equipment in the HFC network, the monitoring view must contain at least the Fiber Node equipment, the power supply of the Node, UCER% and the SNR value, do you have any idea or recomendation for this? The view need to have at least 300 elements / interfaces.

Good Afternoon Ben,
We need all that information at once.
Javier - Here is an idea implemented by other HFC Operators.
A. Create a service per node containing (Ethernet feeds to CMTS, CMTS US & DS carriers, HE Lasers, Optical Node & PSs feeding such node);
B. Each "Node Service" becomes an element that can be aggregated per HUB or Region;
C. You will be able to have both views & dashboards, for operations, NOC, SOC, maintenance, call-center & Management;
D. Track "Node Performance" and SLA;
Hi Roger,
Thanks for the info, let me check with my group.

Javier – I’ll be glad to show the concept to the group.
Hi Javier,
Thanks for starting at Dojo!
The new Dataminer Dashboards combined with our EPM Solution I think could address the requirement you have.
The EPM will be in charge of making all the relations and gather all the KPIs for your HFC network.
The new Dashboards will be in charge of presenting that information in a nice way that you can even share with other colleagues.
Good afternoon Edson,
Thanks for the information, what we require is a view where around 300 monitoring nodes can be added to monitoring and where the parameters are optical levels, snr, ucer, power sources, you can recommend a way to monitor that requirement. in Dataminer?
Hi Javier, are you talking about making a single dashboard that gives you all that information at once, or a dashboard that gives you the information for one selected fiber node along with the associated power supply?