We would like to investigate why the "View Statics" is showing (N/A) on the visual overview of all views using the same visio after upgrading the DataMiner from version 9.6.12 to 10.0. Is there a change in the datashape configured in the Visio?
Kawssar Marzouk [DevOps Enabler] Selected answer as best 10th October 2024

Hi Kawssar,
The 'N/A' value appears during an alarm storm as a safeguard to prevent the client from freezing due to excessive alarms. Once the storm is gone, the numbers should be shown again.
Kawssar Marzouk [DevOps Enabler] Selected answer as best 10th October 2024
Can you try adding View shape data to your shape to make sure it’s linked to the View correctly?