Now that Dataminer has released the LCA, what is the difference between LCA and Dashboards?
Secondly, why would someone create through Dashboard instead of LCA now?
My understanding is that the + creates within LCA and the Dashboard is separate. Screenshot attached.
Hi Andrew,
You can read more about them here : Dashboards and Low-Code Apps | DataMiner Docs.
we had a similar question recently where I summarized the differences between LCA and Dashboards.
Feel free to take a look at it here:Create View and Dataminer Cube and Dashboard - DataMiner Dojo.
Let me know if this answers your question or if you would require some more information.
With kind regards.
Thank you.
Seems Dashboard would only be used if you don’t want to execute actions or host other pages.
So perhaps for OPS instead of ENG teams.
Hi from what I’m reading here it seems there is no benefit to using a Dashboard over a LCA.
Is that correct?