With the old Dataminer 10.0 installer, the users could select the option to install WinPCap:
With the most recent Dataminer 10.2 Installer, it's not possible to select this option:
Is this expected?
As Laurens allready mentioned, it's indeed because WinPCap is not officially supported anymore. Because of this it's not included in the package anymore.
Currently tests are ongoing for NPCap to see if this causes any issues, and to see if we can replace the NPCap in the next released installer.
Small note:
WinPCap/NPCap is only needed for failover with VIP. Failover systems that uses Failover on hostname doesn't require this additional software.
While I can't find an RN specifically concerning this, the most likely reason is that WinPCap is obsolete since 2018 (https://www.winpcap.org/) and is superceded by NPCap.
I believe it would be better if the installer did not show this checkbox anymore or we distribute NPCap with dataminer installers instead (not sure about the licenses for distribution of it though)
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