What is the host address to play around?
Hi Lander, I just wanted to ask if what is the host address for Dataminer cube demo. We just want to play around for customers knowledge and understanding. I tried demo.skyline.be but not working.
If I understand your question correctly, and you want to connect to a demo DataMiner system to see what it can do, I suggest you contact sales: sales@skyline.be
They will be able to help you with this.
Thanks Lander
Hi Germanico, you can already catch a glimpse of a DataMiner system by requesting access to our live demo system. Please see Online DataMiner Systems for more info.
If you prefer to have a demo license on your own, then indeed get in touch with our Sales team as Lander suggested.
Hi Germanico, can you give some more info on what you exactly want to do?