Visual Overview Level 1
This certification is intended for DataMiner users who wants to verify their knowledge on how the Visio application interacts with DataMiner Cube. This certifications also demonstrates that you have required knowledge to configure any Visio file layout, including pages, shape grouping and much more. If you are preparing for the exam we recommend that you take the basic level part of the Visual Overview course.
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To become a level 1 Certified Visual Overview Expert, you need to pass our hands-on, performance-based exam. Your knowledge will be tested with different types of assignments. Typical assignment formats include online questionnaires, hands-on assignments, verbal exams and one-on-one hands-on tasks on an online DataMiner certification platform. Your assigned examiner will guide you through the certification process.
- Introduction to Microsoft Visio and its different capabilities (UI overview, ribbon, Developer mode, grouping, shape sheet, pages, etc.).
- The possible options to link shapes and what these look like in DataMiner Cube.
In order to be fully prepared for the Level 1 Certified Visual Overview Expert exam, we highly recommend you to follow the basic level part of the Visual Overview course. You can also test your knowledge via these quizzes:
You have successfully obtained the DataMiner Operator and DataMiner Administrator certificate of expertise, or gained expertise through experience.
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