The impact of inspiring partnerships

The impact of inspiring partnerships

You’ve probably heard it before, and you will definitely hear it again. Empowerment stands as our paramount mission. And we’re dedicated to empowering you in myriad ways. Take our brand-new Empower Kata sessions, for example, or our DataMiner DevOps Professional Program, steadily approaching the impressive milestone of 1000 subscribers. Yet, what truly stands out for me is our Inspire events, particularly the impactful insights shared during our partner keynotes.

For those unfamiliar, our DataMiner Inspire events are designed to bring the boundless possibilities of DataMiner to life through a diverse range of real-world use cases. But instead of doing all the talking ourselves, we try to make the events more engaging by inviting some of our trusted partners to share their experiences.

What makes this approach particularly valuable is that our partners can really dive deep into all the challenges they faced before embracing DataMiner. This not only resonates with the audience, who likely face similar hurdles, but also allows them to showcase their DataMiner-integrated solutions and the transformative impact on their operations.

Our inspiring journey around the globe—from Munich to Tokyo—has already been enriched by the presence of esteemed companies such as Sony, Grass Valley, Cisco, Arista, Riedel, ITOCHU Cable Systems, TAG Video Systems, Bridge Technologies, Net Insight, MediaKind, Telestream, Appear, and we’re sure that more will follow.

To catch a glimpse of the essence of DataMiner Inspire and the invaluable contributions our partners bring to the table, we invite you to explore the slide decks from our most recent Inspire event, which took place in Tokyo.

Get inspired by Inspire Tokyo

Download the introductory slides giving a high-level overview of DataMiner and its use cases:

Download the partner slides deep diving into real-life use cases:

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