Is DataMiner able to orchestrate technologies using YANG-API protocol?
Andy Fairhall [SLC] [DevOps Member] Selected answer as best 13th January 2021
We already worked with one connector (Cisco ASR Manager) that is using NETCONF to configure interfaces. Basically, it opens a NETCONF session to send NETCONF commands and this uses YANG-models to select what data we are querying. This has been used to get interface data and to set bandwidth and service policies.
Andy Fairhall [SLC] [DevOps Member] Posted new comment 13th January 2021

Thanks Sri for the clarification.
Note that the YANG-API and NETCONF are different protocols to manage YANG data model. NETCONF is based on RPC and where as YANG-API is RESTful. Agree that the device integration can be done by NETCONF or through YANG-API depending on the requirements.
RESTCONF(another popular http protocol):